Chair of Fluid Mechanics
Short description of the research area
- Modelling of the entire circulatory system (using the lumped parameter model)
- Modelling of the systemic arterial tree (using two-dimensional and one-dimensional models, with different constitutive models of the blood (Newtonian and Cason model) and arterial wall models (elastic, viscoelastic: Voigt and Kelvin model)
- Development of methods for measuring the physical properties of the wall (compliance and viscosity), based on measurements of time variation of: maximal blood velocity, pressure and diameter of blood vessels)
- An analysis (determination of the parameters of a mathematical model) of pulmonary circulation (based on the measured pressure in right ventricle, pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein and the velocity/flow rate through the pulmonary valve)
Members of the group
- Prof. dr. sc. Zdravko Virag
- Prof. dr. sc. Mario Šavar
- Prof. dr. sc. Ivo Džijan
- Ivan Korade, mag. ing.
- Dipl. ing. Severino Krizmanić
- Dr. med. Fabijan Lulić
List of recent research projects
Methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2007.-2013., MZOS
Hydrodinamics of Pipeline Networks, 2008.-2013, MZOS
Development and application of CFD methods in hemodynamics, 2013.-2014., University of Zagreb
prof. dr. sc. Zdravko Virag
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Ivana Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 6168 137, +385 1 6156 940