Group for robotic neuro-navigation
Short description of the research a
RONNA is a new application of robotics in neurosurgery based on a dual-arm configuration with coordinated navigation and a new localization method. The use of robots is not limited only to the replacement of stereotactic frames, but robots can also be used as an assisting technology.
With two robots collaborating with each other, some strenuous procedures difficult to perform precisely by a human surgeon alone can be easily performed by a robotic assistant in a more simplified, faster and more precise way.
Members of the group
- Prof. dr. sc. Bojan Jerbić
- Dr. sc. Petar Ćurković
- Dr. sc. Tomislav Stipančić
- Marko Švaco, mag. ing.
- Bojan Šekoranja, mag. ing.
- Filip Šuligoj, mag. ing.
- Denis Bašić
List of recent research projects
- The application of robots in neurosurgery, Croatian Institute of Technology, the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatian, Technology Project, 2011–Autonomous multi-agent automatic assembly, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatian, Research Project, 2006–.
- IGRAMO - Improving GRAsping Movements by predictions based on Observation), UKF Grant Agreement No.37/08, 2009-2011.
- Automatic assembly by dual-arm robot, Croatian Institute of Technology, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatian, Technology Project, 2008–2011.
- Intelligent robotic cell for automatic assembly, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatian, Technology Project, 2006–2007.
Web-page of the group
Prof. dr. sc. Bojan Jerbić
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Ivana Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb