Laboratory for video-communications
Short description of the research area
Video Communications Laboratory (VCL) brings together general expertise in the area of multimedia communications, image and video compression and picture quality management. Primary research interests include image and video signal processing, picture quality measurements and digital television. Other areas of interest include content-based image retrieval, image features extraction, face recognition, and medical imaging.
Members of the group
- Prof. dr. sc. Mislav Grgić
- Prof. dr. sc. Sonja Grgić
- Dr. sc. Mario Muštra
- Dr. sc. Jelena Božek
- Dr. sc. Emil Dumić
- Dijana Tralić, mag. ing.
List of recent research project
- "Agreement on cooperation in scientific research project in the field of intelligent feature extraction from mammographic images with applications in knowledge discovery systems"; partner institution: Clinical hospital Dubrava, Zagreb; 2007-
"Intelligent image feature extraction in knowledge discovery systems", partner institutions: IRB, PBF, School of Public Health "Andrija Štampar"; 2007-
"New methods for objective evaluation of image quality systems in advanced 3D technology"; research support at the University of Zagreb; 2013.-2014.
Web-page of the group
prof. dr. sc. Mislav Grgić
Faculty of electrical engineering and computing
Departmennt of wireless communications
Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 6129 851