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Group for advanced research, innovation and technology transfer in surface engineering

Short description of research area

Field research is oriented on surface engineering as a separate discipline within materials science. One of the research groups objectives is introduction of modern technology in the service of science, as well as in practical applications. This is a state of the art plasma surface modification and coating technology (PACVD). Until the project began, this technology did't exist in Croatia, nor in the wider region. PACVD allows for a wide range of separate (but also combined) surface layers (mostly titanium based) with different characteristics to be produced. One of examples are DLC layers - extremely biocompatible and highly wear resistant.




Members of the group

  • Prof. dr. sc. Franjo Cajner
  • Ivan Kumić, mag. ing. mech.

List of recent research projects

  • ARISE - Advanced research, innovation and technology transfer in Surface Engineering, IPA IIIC project cofunded by the EC Fund for investment in science and innovation, 10.04.2013.-
  • Surface engineering in production of structural parts and tools - Scientific project financed by Ministry of science, education and sports of the Republic of Croatia, 02.01.2007.-

Web-page of the group



Ivan Kumić, mag. ing. mech.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Ivana Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 6168 596 / +385 99 55 55 136