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Group for bioinformatics and complex networks

Short description of the research area

The goal of current research in the field of bioinformatics is the development of algorithms for: alignment of sequences, the mapping of read DNA and RNA sequences to the reference data, similarity search in protein and nucleotide sequences databases, de novo genome assembly and metagenomics. 

The goal of research in the field of complex networks is the development of methods for monitoring the dynamics of networks, localization of sources of epidemics and information in networks; study of genetic, protein and metabolic networks and cromatin interaction network.

Members of the group

  • Doc. dr. sc. Mile Šikić

List of recent research projects

  • Determination of a a number of pathogenic organisms from RNA sequenced data, BICRO - POC, leader: dr. Mile Šikić
  • Efficient algorithms for processing data in bioinformatics, University of Zagreb - Research supports, director: prof. Mladen Vučić

Web page of the group



doc. dr. sc. Mile Šikić
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Department of electronic systems and information processing
Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 6129 781