Group for ultrasound in neurosurgery
Short description of the research area
The application of great power ultrasound in medicine opens up possibilites not only in the therapy but also in the surgery applications, and in specific cases even to the transport of the specific medicine to the unavailable or invasiveness-sensitive tissue area. Development of the corresponding ultrasound transducers, generators and corresponding elements for several fields of frequency is necessary for covering several branches of applications, including pharmacological applications.
Members of the group
- prof. dr. sc. Bojan Ivančević
- doc. dr. sc. Antonio Petošić
- mr. sc. Miljenko Krhen
- Igor Zorić
List of recent research projects
- Analysis and synthesis of the ultrasound field for tissue applications, MZOS
Prof. dr. sc. Bojan Ivančević
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Department for electroacoustics
Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 6129 862