Advanced instrumentation group
Short description of the research area
AIG field of research are intelligent sensors and sensor networks. AIG activities in the field of biomedical engineering are focused on application of wireless sensor networks in monitoring of physiological functions and environment. Research challenges are in design and improvement of quality of usage of low power mobile and wearable electronic systems.
List of recent research projects
- Biomonitoring of physiological functions and environmet, 2010-2013, Recro-Net Zagreb
- OpenIoT, 2013-2014, EU FP7
- ACROSS, 2011-2014, EU FP7
Members of the group
- prof. dr. sc. Vedran Bilas
- doc. dr. sc. Darko Vasić
- Vana Jeličić, dipl. ing.
- Dinko Oletić, mag. ing.
- mr. sc. Davorin Ambruš
Web-site of the group
Prof. dr. sc. Vedran Bilas
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing
Department of electronic systems and information processing
Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb