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Chair of Biomechanics and Ergonomy

Short description of the research area

The research activities of the members of the Chair focus on biomechanics and ergonomics. Research in the field of biomechanics includes: analyses, simulations and optimization of human movement and motion, determination and analyses of human musculoskeletal system load, modelling and analyses of stress and strain in dental biomechanics, and bone remodelling. The second important area of research involves the development and design of medical devices (training and physical rehabilitation devices, implants, orthoses, medical instruments, etc.). Research in the field of ergonomics comprises biomechanical analyses and optimization of work task performance, analyses of ergonomic characteristics of existing products, application of ergonomic principles and methods, and development of assessment procedures aimed at integrating ergonomic principles and criteria in the process of product development and design.



Members of the group

  • Prof. dr. sc. Tanja Jurčević Lulić
  • Doc. dr. sc. Aleksandar Sušić
  • Jasna Leder Horina, mag. ing. mech.

List of recent research projects

  • “Ergonomijske podloge za norme u zrakoplovstvu" 2001.-2005., MZOS
  • “Virtualna trodimenzijska primijenjena antropologija”, 2006.-2013., MZOS

Web-page of the group



Prof. dr. sc. Tanja Jurčević Lulić
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Ivana Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: + 385 1 6168 549