Department of materials
Short description of the research area
The main activities of group are testing the mechanical and tribological properties of metals, ceramic and composite materials used in dentistry and medicine. Also a lot of R&D activities are in structure characterization of the biomedical materials and investigation of relationship between structure of materials and its properties. Development of advanced materials for biomedical applicationa such as metal matrix composites and memory shape alloys is also important activity of this group.
Members of the group
- Prof. dr. sc. Zdravko Schauperl
- Prof. dr. sc. Danko Ćorić
- Prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Filetin
- Mateja Šnajdar, mag. ing. mech.
List of recent research projects
New alloys for dental implants, BICRO, 2013.-
Modeling of material properties and process parameters“, Ministry of Science, 2007.-
Web-page of the group
Prof. dr. sc. Zdravko Schauperl
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Ivana Lučića 5, 10000 Zagreb
Tel: + 385 1 6168 581